Prenatal Massage


Pregnancy is a time of great change, when the whole body adjusts to new life inside. It is so important to receive extra care and support during this time, especially since two people now depend on mama’s health and vitality. The benefits of massage reach all aspects of change in pregnancy, including mental, emotional, and physical, and encourage health in each one.




Mental health-Easing the stress of daily life and big changes ahead!
Massage can help to:

  • Relax the mind and body
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Decrease stress hormones
  • Increase feel good hormones (serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins)
Emotional health-Pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster.  
Receiving attentive, caring touch in a safe and nurturing and understanding space can be VERY rejuvenating. Massage can also help the pregnant woman emotionally by:
  • Increasing feel good hormones, which can decrease anxiety and depression
  • Allowing her to embrace her changing body in a positive way, taking charge of her pregnancy for a more satisfying birth outcome

Physical Health benefits – Easing Aches and Pain:
Its hard work growing a person! But pain shouldn’t be a normal part of pregnancy. Massage helps to:

  • Reduce muscle cramps and painful trigger points
  • Relieve pain in the muscles and joints of the legs, back and pelvis
  • Increase flexibility
  • Ease constipation, gas, and heartburn
  • Reduce excess fluid retention
  • Slow the process of varicose veins by increasing blood and lymph circulation
  • Relieve headaches

High Risk Pregnancy: When a pregnancy falls under the high risk guidelines, I may provide you with a release form to give to your caregiver, clearing you to receive massage from a specially trained therapist. Massage can be especially beneficial to the high-risk pregnancy, as these women tend to carry more stress and anxiety, have higher blood pressure, and muscle pain due to prolonged bed rest.

Massage can help the high risk pregnancy by:

  • decreasing stress hormones
  • decreasing blood pressure
  • decreasing anxiety
  • increasing blood flow with better oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby
  • relieving discomfort and muscle strain caused by prolonged rest
  • provide emotional support, reassurance, and education

I do offer on-site massage to patients on strict bedrest in home or hospital.                                                  

Cost is slightly higher for travel time depending on location.


  • How is Prenatal Massage different? It’s all about the pillows! I have Prenatal cushions that allow you to lay on your belly and back until about 30 weeks, when we move to side-lying massage.  Side-lying massage incorporates a perfect array of pillows to create a wonderful nest of comfort.
  • Is it ever to early or late in pregnancy to receive massage? NO! Craniosacral work is perfect for helping the body adjust to pregnancy and can ease extreme nausea and heartburn. And massage and balancing bodywork is a WONDERFUL way to enjoy the end of your pregnancy and prepare your body for Birth! I even have a special due date massage!
  • Why is it important to have a prenatally trained massage therapist?  Having a therapist who is knowledgeable, comfortable and confident in working with the pregnant body makes an enormous difference in your experience physically and emotionally.  As a Certified Prenatal Massage Therapist and a Birth Doula specializing in this work for over ten years, you can rest assured you are in good hands!