Prenatal Body Balancing

BALANCE.  It’s important in life, and it’s especially important in the pregnant body.

You see, the uterine ligaments attach to the pelvis to keep it in place as it grows.

Many women have torsion in the pelvis, the muscles that attach, and the fascia that encompasses it all. Torsion can happen from injury, daily posture, and stress-factors that affect most people at some point in their life.  Torsion or restriction, especially in these areas, can imbalance these ligaments and negatively impact comfort and pregnancy and make it harder for baby to navigate through the pelvis!

Some signs of restriction or imbalance can be can be:

  • hormonal imbalance (very sick or fatigued)
  • chronic heartburn
  • back, hip, leg, or rib pain,
  • premature contractions
  • breech presentation
  • back labor (posterior baby)
  • dystocia (stall in dilation labor progress)

Balancing bodywork can likely help with all of these things!

What a balancing session looks like:

After an intake form and discussion, Client remains clothed and Cora will evaluate for restrictions in a standing, prone, supine, and side-lying position and use myofascial unwinding and release along with craniosacral therapy to release these restrictions and restore balance.  The session takes about 20-30 minutes.  Client will leave educated on simple techniques to do at home based on what we find. 

You can schedule a Balancing Session by itself, or incorporate it into a 60 or 90 minute Prenatal Massage.

I discovered this bodywork through the wonderful resource of Spinning Babies. Through my work as a birth doula, I saw many instances of long difficult labors being a result of baby not being in an ideal position. We are trained as doulas to suggest movements and positions to encourage baby to rotate if not lined up well. But sometimes it just wouldn’t work, and I was continuing to see cesarean births because of posterior and asynclitic babies that couldn’t maneuver through the pelvis. And I became frustrated at how often it was happening! If our bodies were designed to birth, why was it so difficult for some women??!!

I became verrry familiar with the work of Gail Tully and her team at I learned that babies rotate the best they can with the space they are given! If mother’s uterine ligaments are tight and twisted from torsion in the body, her uterus will not have as much room for baby to be comfortable in an anterior and flexed position. Through this I became familiar with the work of Dr. Carol Phillips, who is the mastermind behind many of the techniques Spinning Babies suggests to correct imbalance and encourage baby to turn. I had been certified and practicing prenatal massage regularly for years, but this seemed to be the marriage of my 2 passions, bodywork and birth. I studied with Dr. Phillips through multiple courses, and started seeing great results with the balancing bodywork right away. Then when Spinning Babies announced that they would be offering the first ever bodyworker training to become certified as a Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner, I was the happiest Cora and knew immediately I would be going.

I am now honored to be connected with this group that is Changing Birth on Earth and listed on the website as a Spinning Babies Aware Practioner! I am so excited to bring this work to our community in Central Arkansas!